Welcome to New Seasons Familiy Worship Center

We would like to take this time to express our appreciation for you visiting our website.  We extend an invitation for you to join us for one of our services.  You will find our members to be loving and polite, the song service uplifting and the word of God explosive. Here at New Seasons we declare that God is moving you from the old season of lack and stress into a new, victorious season of prosperity, peace, hope, healing and power in every area of your life.

Our Mission

To lead people to Jesus in love, bring them into christian maturity and equip them for prosperity in every area of their lives

Our Foundational Scripture

Isaiah 43:19 states, “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in a desert (place).”

Our Motto

New Thoughts, New Actions, New Results!


Spiritual Enrichment Classes - 9:45 am / Worship Service - 10:45 am


5:45pm-6:30pm - Prayer / 6:45pm Mid Week Service